What exactly does a Mother mean to you? According to my research I found that A Mother is a selfless, loving human who must sacrifice many of her wants and needs for the wants and needs of her children. A Mother works hard to make sure their child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make it as a competent human being.
If you ask anyone who was blessed enough to have a loving Mother, they pretty much all say the same thing. How wonderful they are, best Mother ever and so on. I, for one, was blessed with a Mother who was not only sweet and so very nice, but she was also amazingly strong. I don’t mean weightlifting strong; I mean mentally strong. She prospered through a divorce that left her broken, went back to school, got a great job with a local school district, and carved out a career that spanned over 35 years! Her confidence and success were always something I looked up to and wanted to have. She passed several years ago, but left a lasting, loving impression on me that I am so thankful for.
Mother’s Day is May 12th this year and what better way to thank your Mom and show your love for her than by buying her some beautiful flowers from the Marshall County Co-op. Or buy her a whole flower flat and help her plant them. Some mothers may get excited over garden plants, and you know the Marshall County Co-op has a huge variety of them too. Or how about cute garden and decorative yard items for her? And while you are at it, buy one or two for you too.
You can be assured that this year’s Mother’s Day event will be bigger and better than before, so make sure you mark your calendar this year for Monday, May 6th through Sunday, May 12th. for the MARSHALL COUNTY CO-OP’S 40th ANNUAL MOTHER’S DAY CELEBRATION EVENT!
If you have never been to this event, you are missing something big!! And I mean big!!! The Marshall County Co-op makes sure they have plenty of employees working to help you make your choices or to help you find things. They also can find out an answer to your gardening, flower or tree questions. They will have someone assist you with your parking and show you the entrance, where you grab your wagon to use for your purchases. When you are finished, you take your purchases to an area towards the front where you are given a ticket which they will write your items on it. You then take this ticket inside to pay. When you come back outside, you can just grab your wagon and now you can head to your vehicle. Need help with loading your items in your car or truck? Not a problem. Just ask and you shall receive some help.
Again, the date for this event is Monday, May 6th through Sunday, May 12th. The hours are Monday through Saturday, 8am to 7pm. Sunday, May 12th from 10am to 4pm.
And on Saturday, May 11th, you can purchase a Hot Dog and a Pepsi for just 25 cents!!! All proceeds benefit the Animal Rescue League.
In addition to that great savings, we also are offering 3 promo hanging baskets for only $25.00!!
Our flowers are arriving daily in preparation of this great event!! We can’t wait to see you all!
Remember, at the Marshall County Co-op, we have BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS FOR BEAUTIFUL MOTHER’S!