How excited are you about it being October? The thrill of no more hot, humid days and the thought of cool, crisp days and nights are enough to make anyone happy! I enjoy driving and looking at how the summer porch and yard decorations are slowly coming down, being replaced by fall colors and decorations. I truly think that by this time of the year, people have had enough of summer and are ready to move on.
Of course, we all know that fall, being as beautiful as it, is just a preview of the upcoming cold, snowy season. But for what it’s worth, let’s just take it slow and breathe in the fall freshness that is in the air.
At the Marshall County Co-op, they are excited for Fall too. Once again, their outside areas are filled with gorgeous colors, this time the colors of the fall season; golds, yellows, oranges and reds. They have an abundance of mums that are just waiting for you to admire and buy. They also have a huge selection of pumpkins in all sizes and shapes that are perfect for your carving or displays.

In need of some straw? The Marshall County Co-op also has straw for sale which can be used to provide that extra warmth for your animals or use in your fabulous fall displays!
How about some corn stalks? The Co-op also has these on display, and they are just waiting to be bought and brought back to your house to be used in decorating your porches and yards.

Fall is such a great time of the year for all ages. After decorating, celebrate the season with hot chocolate or the famous pumpkin spice everything coffee!
Fall is also the time to get in some planting. In the areas where an early fall frost is unlikely, fall planting is recommended because the soil is still warm, rains are frequent and being outside is still enjoyable.
Fall planting gives plants a jump-start on the growing season, which results in more robust plant growth. Trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials have plenty of time to establish their roots, which continue to grow at a slow rate at the low temperatures of 45 and even 42 F. By spring, the transplanted or newly planted plants will have a sufficient root system developed in the fall in a previous season.
Here are a few tips for fall planting
- Planting should be done about two months, and a minimum of six weeks, before the first average frost date. That gives plants enough time to repair and develop new roots before the ground freezes.
- Fall rains ensure good plant establishment. If there is a dry fall, watering the new transplants is a must. About an inch of water per week will need to be added to keep them well irrigated.
- Mulch preserves soil moisture and facilitates root development. Transplant shock is enhanced by inadequate soil moisture that is either too dry or too wet.
- Mulching also helps prevent rapid cooling of the soil. Moist soil tends to stay warmer longer.
- Fall is an ideal time to divide some of the spring and summer blooming plants. The new plants/divisions will be able to establish themselves enough for a good start in the spring.
And as always, the friendly employees at the Marshall County Co-Op are just waiting for any of your fall questions about any of your fall projects!!!
Happy Fall You All!