July! It’s the month for full-swing summer activities!
It is also the month that your garden is producing all the delicious produce that you carefully planted a few months back.
People are taking vacations and just having a good time.
It is also the month that we celebrate our great nation’s independence!
For those of you who have a garden and purchased flowers, it is a time to do some basic upkeep. Now is the time to remove the faded blooms from your spring perennials flowers. When you do this, you make your plants look better and you prevent them from trying to make seed that can sap the plants energy.
Are your plants going into overdrive with their harvest? You may need to check your garden everyday now for vegetables that seem to appear overnight. Cucumbers, zucchini, green beans always taste better when harvested young. If you have strawberries, raspberries or blueberries, they also benefit from daily pickings for peak flavor!

Re-mulch or mulch your garden. Mulch is key to a low maintenance and healthy garden. By adding several inches over your beds and borders, you’ll increase soil moisture, reduce weeds and improve the overall quality of the fruits and veggies!
For more tips on improving your garden, always remember to ask the knowledgeable folks at the Marshall County co-op. They are truly the professionals when it comes to gardens and more!
After you take care of your gardens, how about a little fun? July is crammed full of things to do.

Moundsville has probably one of the best fireworks display in the area. This year the fun is on Monday, July 4th at dusk. Rain Date is July 5th. This display promises not to disappoint!
One ne of the things that so many people look forward to is the Marshall County fair! this year the fair is from July 17th through July 23rd! Fun for the whole family!
in addition to the fair, you could always check out family fun night pool parties at The Four Seasons pool. These are held every Wednesday up to August 17th. They are from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM and admission is only a dollar per person! What a great way to have a family night!
Or how about grabbing your blankets, a picnic basket and take the whole family to Moundsville’s “movie in the park “held at the East End Park. The next one coming up is scheduled for Saturday July 9th! What a great way to spend an evening with the kids and it is all free. F
or you adults that may want to have a date night, you can check out some of the many Grand Vue park summer concerts sports sponsored by the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce. Ait outside under the stars and enjoy music and an adult beverage. What a great way to spend your evening!
Enjoy your family and your Independence this month!!
God Bless America!
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