The Month of February

The Month of February

Can you believe that January is over already?  Check off another month closer to spring and summer time! Of course, it all depends on the trustworthy Groundhog and whether he sees his shadow or not on Feb. 2nd.  I am hoping he doesn’t, what about you?   

February is jam packed with holidays and other happenings, so you will not find this month boring at all.  It starts off with February 12th, the date that honors the birthdate of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States who was born in a one room, (16’ x 18’ in size), that had a dirt floor. We have come a long way!    

Next comes Valentine’s Day on Feb. 14th.  This day is basically for lovebirds, and the flower and candy stores really benefit on this day.  And for all the single people out there, I say buy yourself something nice and focus on loving yourself!  It’s just another day. 

February 15th is Susan B Anthony’s birthday, and February 21st is President’s Day., which is also known as George Washington’s birthday! 

February is also National Bird Feeding Month!   You must come in and see all the bird feeders and seeds that the Marshall County Co-op has!  Love up on your bird friends by filling your feeders up and keep them filled all winter long!  Please remember that you should clean your feeders about every two weeks (use a 10% bleach solution) then thoroughly dry them before refilling!  How about trying suet and seed cakes as a welcome treat too?  The Co-op has a nice variety of those.  A winter favorite of many winter songbirds is black oil sunflower which also helps them stay warm.  We have a wide selection, so come in and check them out!

Now, for all you garden planters, February is the time to start your seeding!  Make your garden wish list and drive to the Co-op and purchase your seeds!  While you are there, it’s the perfect time to discuss any questions or concerns you may have before you plant your seeds.  Start your cold crop seeds indoors in the middle of February.  This includes lettuce, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale, onions and cabbage.  If you want to grow herbs, start chives, fennel, sage, thyme and cilantro. 


You can also venture outside while the ground is still frozen to clean up spent plants, dead foliage, branches and other debris that has accumulated in your garden area. 

February may only have 28 days, but sometimes it seems like it’s the longest month ever!  Grey, cold and dreary.  But remember, the Co-op is bright and cheery and can always warm you up!   We have Propane to provide you heat, employees that are knowledgeable and friendly and, we have puzzles and other in-store items that you can keep yourself occupied with while staying inside.

The Marshall County Co-op is the perfect place to visit this February!  Stop in and say hello!