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A Birds-Eye View into February

A Birds-Eye View into February

I am feeling the love of Winter. February is the month of love anyway, so why not try just to accept winter and love it? Even though it is mostly cold and gray out, I still find beauty in the midst of winter.  Snow?  Yes, it can be disturbing to your daily work drive, and yes it can cause chaos on the roads, but when you take a deeper look at it, its beauty is unmeasurable.  White and bright.  It seems to twinkle like crushed diamonds.  I remember one evening when I was walking down the street while it was...

Baby it’s cold out.

Baby it’s cold out.

 Of course, it is, we are in West Virginia.  I crack up every time I speak with my brother, and he complains about how cold a particular day may be in Houston, Texas.    I mean after all, when its 55 degrees there, that is cold!!   I really don’t think he could survive a winter in West Virginia.  Nope.  I also smile a little when I hear local people complaining about the cold too.   It’s Winter folks! It’s supposed to be cold!   Trying to stay on top of the cold weather months can be difficult for most.  Our furnaces are running...

Happy New Year!  

Finally, 2023 is over and done with and 2024 is here!  This means a welcomed and a much needed fresh, new start.  Gone are all the bad habits we acquired over the past year. Examples include bad eating habits, drinking way too much alcohol, chain smoking too much, overspending money on items not really needed, being insensitive and rude to others, being negative all the time and never exercising at all!  Who are we fooling right?  So many people make all these new year resolutions that are basically a joke.  We aim way too high then we feel like a...

The Month Before Christmas…

The Month Before Christmas…

The Month Before Christmas Twas the month before Christmas and all through the Co-op All the employees were stirring, and probably some mice too The stockings were hung, in the offices with care In hopes that Santa Dave would soon be there The staff were all nestled, all snug in their departments While vision of sugar cookies and gifts danced in their heads They are stocking the shelves, propane being scheduled and delivered They are getting ready for Christmas and a long cold winter All at once, out in the yard, there arose such a clatter The employees ran to...

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

You know that song.  For some people, the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year.   They have their houses decorated early; they start listening to Christmas music as soon as they can, and they have their gifts all bought and wrapped before Dec. 1st.  Their menus are planned, their linens and special dinnerware are all polished and ready to use.  We all know someone like that right? But most people are not like that.  They find that the holidays are the most stressful times of the year.  They even find it to be the most depressing time of...

I Love Fall

I Love Fall

I love Fall.  I really think it’s my favorite time of the year.  I love the colors, I love the smell, I love the sounds.  I wish it would stay in this season most of the year, especially since the summer’s lately have been so darn unbearably hot & humid.  I found myself unable to even sit outside due to this heat, seeking the coolness of my air-conditioned house.  Which totally stinks, because after all, it is summer and guess what? I soon will be in the house all the time (once the cold weather hits) so darn it; I...

Welcome, September!

I recently discovered something new and very interesting.  Hummingbirds.  Many of my friends have these bird feeders in their yards and gardens and I hear how they get such enjoyment from watching these beautiful birds.  So, when my husband recently went to the Marshall County Co-op to ask what possibly he could replace my beautiful flower spot with -they told him a bird feeder.  He quickly shot that idea down since he doesn’t want the bird mess that is associated with a lot of birds at a feeder.  “Well, in that case what about a hummingbird feeder” was the response...

Happy August!

Happy August!

For the gardeners out there, August means crops are really producing,and your kitchen is overflowing with fresh tomatoes, zucchini,cucumbers and so much more! The payoff of all your hard work fromwhen you planted your garden several months ago. I am thinking rightnow about a fresh tomato sandwich, on white bread, loaded down withmayonnaise and salt/pepper! Love this fresh taste of summer! In addition, here are some helpful gardening tips for August:  Plan for heat waves and high humidity, and get your work done on theday’s most pleasant for working outdoors, or early morning. You still need to water your...


Not only do we celebrate our great nation’s birthday this month, we also will be starting to harvest our gardens!  It’s always such a great feeling picking fresh zucchini, peppers, tomatoes and more! In addition to picking our crops, there are a few other things that we must do in July to keep our gardens green and producing! July also means that the kids are out of school and most likely are a little bored.  Why not include them in your gardening activities?  What a great way to spend time with your kids by having them involved in the garden! ...

The Month of June!

School is out.  Gardens are planted.  The weather is nice; not hot and muggy as July and August will be (well maybe…. after all we are in the Ohio Valley).  Vacations are happening.  Flowers are planted and are in abundance on people’s porches and in their yards.  Lawns are being mowed (ahhh…. who doesn’t love the smell of fresh cut grass) and iced tea is being sipped while sitting on your porch swing or chairs.  Such a magical time of year where beauty and delightful smells are in abundance.  Well, ALMOST all Beauty.  One of the things that provide a...

The Month of May

I made a quick stop this week at the Marshall County Co-op, and I noticed that there was just something special in the air that felt so good…… The day was sunny and bright and a little warm.  Gone were the cloudy grey skies, replaced by a gorgeous yellow sun.  Employees of the Co-op were hustling around the grounds hauling bags of dirt and fertilizer.  You could feel some kind of excitement in the air …or was it the smell of peat moss?  Just something being around these surroundings excited me too.  The excitement that only the nearness of garden/lawn...

April Showers

April Showers

It’s that time of the year to take your rain boots, umbrellas, and ponchos out of winter storage.  We all have heard the old saying “April showers bring May flowers”, right?  It may be hard to believe this saying, especially since this past “so-called” winter has been filled with more rain than snow.   Which, by the way, is a great joy for some, but for others, (like me), we truly wanted to see more snow days than mild, spring like days.  But we can’t change Mother Nature. The first thing we must deal with in April is April Fool’s Day,...